The Italian Flair

Hola everyone.

How are you all doing today? I hope so far you’ve had a great week and a nice Friday, considering the current situation. This just seems to never end, does it? To be honest, I’ve had quite enough of it now, Covid can really go eff off now. I’ve had to move my flight twice already and will hopefully be able to finally go back to London next Sunday (fingers crossed). I truly can’t wait to be back in my favourite city and to see my friends again, I’ve really been missing them like hell.

As probably just about everyone, I’ve been trying to stay as positive as possible. And one way I’ve been doing this is looking back on some happy moments of 2020 – because there were actually quite a lot of them, surprisingly – and I recently got the chance to go through pictures on my camera. And that’s when I saw that I still had some pictures of my holiday in Venice left on there that I had not seen before. As some of you might have read and seen in my first post about the trip that I published a few months ago, the time my mum and I got to spend in the beautiful city of Venice was one of the most amazing weeks of the whole year and I’m still so incredibly glad that we went. Definitely one of the best ideas ever.

As the pictures are so nice to look at and kinda brought me back to the trailing streets of the fantastic city, I thought it would be nice to share them with all of you, to maybe add some sunshine and Italian flair to our Friday. As always, I hope you enjoy the pictures and would love to hear your thoughts and comments. And, naturally, I wish you all a lovely weekend and thanks for reading. x

Bye 2020

2020 has been the toughest year for me to endure, for so many different reasons. It took from me what was supposed to enrich my days, my year, my life. It stole months in London from me, concerts, adventures. It took time from me, but also gave me some back in exchange. If a year could ever be described as the most chaotic ride on a rollercoaster, then it would be this one.

At the end of 2019, I had just moved to London three months beforehand, had just started at a new university, and was just about to finally grow roots in my favourite city on earth. I was running from one concert to another, also thanks to my job as a bartender at a concert venue. Obviously, it wasn’t always easy and obviously, there were things I would’ve changed, but I was probably the happiest I had been in long. 2019 filled me with an amount of love and utter happiness I hadn’t felt in a long time. I couldn’t have imagined what was about to come, what was waiting around the corner. But I was happy, that was what mattered the most. And surrounded by people that I loved more than anything else.

Now at the end of 2020, I feel like I’ve just run a million marathons at once. And still, I am here, with a smile on my face, because as with every rollercoaster, there are countless ups and downs. And let me tell you, 2020 had a lot of downs. For everyone. But it also had a lot of ups. Ups I never expected to come. Ups that make me eternally grateful for everything that happened. I’m only a few steps away from being 25 (yikes). I’ve survived a pandemic that will hopefully fuck off soon. I finally made London my home by making it my own together with the bestest friends. I’ve said yes to a lot of adventures and have said no to paths that I knew weren’t the right ones for me. I put up fights that weakened me at that moment, but that I only came out stronger from. Now I’m the owner of my music magazine, something I’ve been dreaming about for years. I’m head over heels stuck in a crush for a guy I definitely cannot have (how surprising of me). I’ve met the most incredible people, have built up the most loving friendships, and have received opportunities I wouldn’t have dared to even dream about. I feel like I have finally found myself and my place in the world (just about). I’ve changed a lot and everything around me has as well. But I’m still me, just older, maybe wiser, definitely more confident, and still surrounded by people I love and cherish more than anything.

There’s no way I can tell what 2021 has in store for me. In store for the world. The only thing I can do is hope. Hope for a better future. And a year that will give back what the last one has taken and fill my life and the planet with love and happiness. If all goes right, it will be the start of something great, a truly better future, one that I will be proud and excited to look back on when I’m old and grey. That is what I’m hoping for. To sit right here in a year, filled with even more gratitude, joy, and love.

2021, please be good.

Hola everyone. This is my take on a short essay-ish text on 2020 and the start of the new year. I can only hope that 2021 will be a lot better for all of us, so I’m staying positive all the way. How was your 2020? I hope despite all the chaos and destruction it was still nice and gave you a lot of lovely memories. I truly hope you enjoy my text and please don’t hesitate to leave your feedback and comments down below or to get in touch with me to discuss it further. And until then, I wish you all a very exciting happy new year again, an amazing week, and, as always, thanks so much for reading. x

Meet GEM

Hola everyone.

God, it’s been so long since I last wrote down those two words. Way too long, to be completely honest with you. But I guess that happens when you are in the middle of your last year at university and also doing something very important and exciting on the side – the special something that I want to tell you all about today. First of all, I want to take the time to say that I hope that you all had a lovely Christmas and that, despite all the chaos that’s happening right now, you’re having a nice time with your loved ones. I’ve been back at home in Austria for two weeks now, spending some quality time with my family, but now we’re also back to a full lockdown, so I guess we’re all in the same boat (except for a few special ones… looking at you, Australia and New Zealand). Anyway, it’s been quite nice so far, but I’m also praying that I’ll be able to go back to London once the time has come, I really miss it. It’s actually pretty cool to have not one, but two places that you can call your home. I feel very lucky. Which also brings me back to what I wanted to show you all today.

I’m incredibly proud to present to you my very own magazine – GEM. Yes, I really did it. I went and launched my own magazine, with the help of my incredible friend Lauren, who is also my co-founder and co-editor, and our fantastic bunch of super talented writers, creatives and journalists. To be honest, even while I am typing this out, I cannot believe it is really true. I can’t even begin to explain how insanely excited and thrilled I am to share this with all of you. I have been dreaming about having my own magazine for so many years now and now it’s really become true.

So far, the whole experience has been nothing short of an insane dream. All of a sudden, I have this thing that belongs solely to me and that gives me the opportunities and freedom to interview my favourite bands and to review gigs and albums and so much more. It’s become my ultimate creative outlet and basically one of the most important parts of my life – even in such a short amount of time. And I mean, I’m not going to talk around the bush for long… having freaking Wallows on our first cover and then Nothing But Thieves, my ultimate loves, on our second one is just… I mean, that’s the material my brain usually comes up with during a dream at night or when I create a nice scenario in my head during a mellow ride on the top. Basically, it’s the stuff you usually make up, not the stuff that just becomes reality all of a sudden. But now it has become reality for me and I still can’t believe I’m now living a life where I can say I’ve already interviewed most of my favourite bands, and all of that for my very own magazine. Peak craziness, I’m telling you.

Naturally, I could spend all day and night telling you about the interviews and the overall insanity of this all, but I guess that would take a bit too long for all of us. What I can say though is that I loved every single one of them and that Conor, the lead singer from Nothing But Thieves is probably the most incredible person I’ve had the honour of talking to. Best interview of my life so far, without a doubt. Which makes me even prouder to have the guys on our cover – a band that has meant so much for me for so many years already. Not to mention that their album ‘Moral Panic’ is easily the best album of the year for me. What a gem (pun not intended… or maybe, yes).

As with all things that take up such a big part of your life, the magazine has kept me and Lauren busy all throughout the past months and also through the Christmas holidays, but it’s always been good busy. Of course it can sometimes get a bit much, especially if the world around you has been in flames for way too long, but I would never complain about the magazine. It means way too much for me to do that. And now that our second issue has been out for a month, we’re already busy working on the upcoming one, which will be out at the end of January. I already can’t wait to share it with the world and every single one of you, it will be a great one.

And now the moment has finally come for me to share the magazine with you all. The excitement is real, honestly. First of all, here are the links to our website, our Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. And here is the link to where you can read our latest issue online and here is a link to our shop where you can buy a print copy of the magazine if you would like to support us or if you are just a paper person, like me.

I truly hope that you like the magazine and enjoy reading it just as much as I do. Naturally, I would absolutely love to hear what you think, so please don’t hesitate to leave your feedback and comments down below or to get in touch with me to discuss it further. I’m excited to hear from you. And until then, I wish you all the best time and already a very exciting happy new year. Let’s hope 2021 will be a lot better than 2020 in a whole bunch of aspects. And yeah, sending you all the tightest hugs and, as always, thanks so much for reading. x

Moral Panic

Hola everyone.

How are you all doing today? I hope you’ve all had a nice weekend and that your Monday is going well so far. I for my part had a great, relaxing weekend with tons of sleep (thank god), which is something I really needed, so I’m super happy about that. To be honest, after the crazy busy days the past week, it felt good to finally put everything on hold for a second and just breathe for a bit. Part of a reason for that is, as I hinted at in my last post, that my friend Lauren and I really launched our own magazine called GEM (holy frick, that really happened, OH MY GOD). I gotta be honest, I still can’t believe that this is real and that we actually made it happen, especially as this has been such a big dream of mine for so many years. To say that this is an absolute dream come true would be an extreme understatement and I honestly can’t wait to share the whole story with all of you, so please stay tuned for my upcoming post on that.


But for today, I’ve actually got something different planned, something very exciting and something that is very close to my heart – the new Nothing But Thieves album. And no, I’m not being a bit overdramatic right now, because this album, without exaggeration, is my favourite album of the year, without a single doubt. I’m not saying this because I got to talk about it all with Conor, the band’s frontman, or because I’ve always loved this band to the moon and back. I’m really just talking about the music here, so please believe me when I say that this album truly is a freaking masterpiece from start to finish. It’s fun, it’s dark, it’s political and it’s a real rollercoaster all in one. And it’s just so so so important. But you get that really quickly once you take a closer look at the lyrics.


And so, as I’m so in love with this album and as I actually got to have an early listen of it, I’ve obviously had to write a little review of it for my magazine, which was published a few weeks ago, but which I’d still love to share with all of you amazing people today. It’s definitely one of my favourite pieces I’ve ever written, so I truly hope you enjoy it. Please let me know in the comments what you think of it, and the album too, obviously. And yeah, until then I hope you all love the album just as much as me, and, as always, I wish you all a lovely week and thanks for reading. x


Amid ‘Moral Panic’ – a Nothing But Thieves album review

In a world filled with uncertainty and destruction, almost nothing offers more inspiration as lively as the current events, and the British rockers of the acclaimed indie group Nothing But Thieves are no newbies to skilfully mixing politics, mental health issues, and social struggles with their own experiences and turning it all into magnificent songs. It comes to no surprise then that this is also how the group’s latest work, their third album ‘Moral Panic’, came to be. It’s an album that doesn’t shy away from spotlighting today’s world and its problems. The tension in the air. And all of us.

At its core, ‘Moral Panic’ acts as a mirror for all of us, for a society that has become too idealistic, too  ‘Hollywood’ and too afraid to face its darker sides. The record’s opening track titled ‘Unperson’ quite literally personifies that, having lead singer Conor Mason cry out about the loss of himself, in a modern world where demand beats supply not only with material goods but with living, breathing people, making him question his identity while being convinced he’s an ‘unperson’, someone not fit for ‘public consumption’. The song screams of frustration of a youth being drowned out by a regressive ideology in a world where ‘is not what you think it is, it’s worse’.


It’s the beginning of a story that is continued in the band’s ultimate hit of this year ‘Is Everybody Going Crazy’, a song that could’ve not been released at any better moment, right when the world started to shut down in the midst of a global pandemic and toilet paper unexpectedly became a somewhat new currency. It’s a heavy-hitter that comes with its own dystopian edge, but also a sense of comfort that we might not be alone in these times of emotional struggle.


This is the last day of my life‘, grief-stricken words chanted by Mason, are what follow at the start of the next piece, the eponymous ‘Moral Panic’, a song that proves that Nothing But Thieves might have more trumps up their sleeves than what they make it seem. Packed with a captivating beat that almost resembles a dance hit, the track feels as light as it is heavy, with lyrics talking about a state of panic and anxiety, but a rhythm that makes it impossible not to move with it.


It is at that moment that the album turns onto a new page, one that is filled with hope and the discovery of love. Shining tracks ‘Real Love Song’, ‘Free If We Want It’ and the ever so enchanting ballad ‘Impossible’, which has only recently become an even bigger blessing to the ears as an orchestral version recorded live at the famous Abbey Road Studios, have the band repeatedly look behind the romantic, idealistic nature of love and reveal the unrequited or almost painful reality that many of us experience all too often. Hymnic and of terrific wildness, the songs sparkle with triumphant-euphoric melodies, which Mason performs with moving, almost operatic vocals, and grainy, addictive guitar riffs that help lead them to a perfect balance.


The biggest surprise of the album – and it might be seen as the heavy, guitar-based black sheep – comes with the album’s number 10, titled ‘Can You Afford To Be An Individual’. Usually, a band to embody their stories and experiences in metaphors, this almost scream-ish track has the group instantly get rid of all thoughts and hints of double-meanings, with Mason roaring ‘Oh, you are you a walking contradiction in a MAGA-hat’ and ‘So who are you to tell us where we do and don’t belong / And who are you to tell us who to love and who to not / Because your mother told you, you would win when you were young’. It is obvious that the song is addressed at Donald Trump, the 45th and current President of the United States, a political figure the band has expressed resentment towards on countless occasions, and the overall heated political climate. It is without a doubt the most daring track of the whole LP, but also the hardest one to not fall for, as it introduces a new side of the Southend-On-Sea-based five-piece that sparks a longing for more.


A ray of sunshine is what the closing piece ‘Before We Drift Away’ feels like then, with a strong classical base embedded in the background and Mason’s stunning voice sending a message so hopeful and personal that there could hardly be a better way of ending this album. With it, the whole record, which until that point had come with its own expiry date, suddenly gets a sense of infinity, like it will still be there long after this is all over and we are all gone.


It’s that mix of huge monstrous riffs, energetic, sometimes angry, sometimes loving lyrics and calmer, more reflective moments, all of which feel so beautifully connected, that brings ‘Moral Panic’ close to near faultless. There’s a sense of scale unrivalled by near enough any other release of this year, with astonishing lyricism, stunning vocals, and incredible musicianship that might just coin Nothing But Thieves as one of the most exciting and intriguing indie-rock bands out there. Born from a time that couldn’t be more uncertain, the quintet has created an expressive little work of art that urges listeners to engage with their own minds in order to bring a dash of positivity to a steadily darkening world. One that could not possibly need it any more than right now.



Nothing But Thieves third album ‘Moral Panic’ is out now everywhere via Sony/RCA.

Follow Nothing But Thieves on Instagram, Twitter and Spotify.

Text by: Laura Weingrill // photo credit: Jack Bridgeland

Everything You’ve Missed

Hola everyone.

Holy hell, I can’t believe it’s been almost three weeks since my last post. I’m so so so sorry for being gone for so long, but trust me, once I get everything off my chest and have told you everything that has happened the past few days, you will start to understand why I was gone for so long. To be honest, I don’t think I’ve been this busy in my whole life. I guess that comes with getting older, right?


Anyway, I hope all of you have been well the past few weeks and that the dread of life and the upcoming lockdowns (they’re everywhere, even here in London) hasn’t been pushing down on you all too much. I know it’s a rather difficult time for us all right now and I think I’m not the only one currently wishing for everything to get better soon. Actually, it’s quite freaky, because the past few weeks have been the best and kind of also some of my worst in my life and, not to be dramatic or anything, but my mind has been rather confused. But let me start right at the beginning.


As mentioned in my past few posts, I’ve recently taken on the role as the editor-in-chief of my university’s magazine called LDN and, to be honest, it has probably been the most fun but also hardest work I’ve ever done. Working a shift until 5 am at a bar is nothing compared to this. Because after the shift, you’re at least done with work, but with a magazine the work just never stops. Ever. I remember the night we had to hand in the finished first issue, Lauren and I stayed up until 7 am to finish the mag in time for it to be printed by the day we wanted. And although this probably sounds really horrible to many, it was so much fun. Because I was actually spending time doing what I love the most – writing about music and sharing that love with the world. And this whole process has kind of made me realize that there is a potential there that needs to be utilized. So now, Lauren and I are actually thinking about creating our own magazine, which is extremely exciting. We’re still in the planning phase, but I’m so excited I had to share it with you.


Included in all this excitement of the past few weeks are also the three amazing interviews I’ve had with Wallows, Boy Pablo and, believe it or not, Nothing But Thieves. Before I get all serious about them, please excuse me for a short fangirl moment…




As you can probably imagine, all three interviews were absolutely freaking fantastic. And it’s not just about me meeting the bands I love, but also about having real conversations with real people and I will truly cherish all these moments that I got to share with these phenomenal human beings for my entire life. Not to mention that my chat with Conor was without a doubt the best interview I’ve had so far – he’s truly the smartest, most self-aware person I’ve ever met – and their newest album “Moral Panic” is without exaggeration my favourite of the whole year (long-ish and very exciting album review to be posted on Friday, so please stay tuned for that). Please all go listen to it, it’s so so so good. And there are so many stories hidden in the lyrics, I’ve been listening to the album for a month now and still find hidden meanings. But apart from that, all these experiences made and still make me feel so lucky to be doing what I’m doing and to be spending my time like this. Talking to PRs, getting albums sent to me before the official release, talking to my favourite humans. It’s all truly insane. And although none of it is really my job yet, I know that I’ve found what I want to spend my life doing. I haven’t found anything in my life that fulfills me as much as that – and if gigs were actually a thing right now, I probably would be so happy, that I’d annoy the hell out of everyone. Not even joking.



Obviously, there is also the dread of said lockdown that is coming up, but with all this work and our plans of starting a magazine up and uni work on top, I feel like I won’t even notice that much of a change. That might sound stressful, but in times like these I feel lucky to be busy, otherwise I would probably spend my days watching one tv show after the other and that’s not really something to happily look back to, right? On top of that, I’m lucky enough to be living with my friends, so we are still able to have a good time, even if we can’t go to restaurants anymore or the cinema. Also, I would be lying if I said that I wasn’t expecting another lockdown. I remember when I talked to Conor, he mentioned having the feeling there might be one on the come up and I couldn’t really believe it, but here we are. Told you, a very smart man.


And yeah, besides that nothing much has been happening. I think all of us have successfully settled into the flat and after our trip to Ikea a few days ago, it now truly looks and feels like ours as well. And although the past month definitely can’t be compared to what life was like last year – one filled with trips to the cinema, my job at Electric and countless gigs – I can’t really complain. I’ve loved my time back in London so far and it’s been nothing but pure bliss to live with Lauren and my friends. So I think I’m truly lucky.


Naturally, I hope you also feel a sense of happiness, despite how crazy life is right now. I know the current global situation can drag anyone down really easily, so I just hope you’re all alright. Please remember I’m always here if you need someone to talk to – I’m a good listener. And until then, I hope you enjoyed this post and me babbling on about work and my interviews. As always, I’d love to hear your thoughts and opinions, so please don’t hesitate to leave your comments down below. Oh, and I wish you all a happy belated Halloween. And I wish you all a lovely week and, of course, thanks for reading. x

Bella Venezia

Hola everyone.

And welcome back to my blog and also a new week. I hope so far your Monday has been nice and that you enjoyed the past weekend. I personally spent most of the weekend exploring London and working on our uni magazine LDN. So far, I’m honestly super proud of what my team and I have achieved with the mag so far and I truly can’t wait to finally hold the first print issue in my hands. Although this is technically not even my own magazine, the past few weeks have felt like I’ve been building up something that is mine. Something I can pour all my heart and creativity into. And although I spend almost every free hour either working on or thinking about the magazine without really getting anything back in return, by which I mean money and such, it has made me happier than I could have ever imagined. It almost feels like I was meant to be the editor of the paper. At least that’s what I’m telling myself.


On the other side, it could also be that I’m spending so much time working on the mag to get my mind off of missing my family and my home, especially my cat and my dog. Unfortunately, both haven’t been doing super well, which has left me feeling completely useless and helpless. Thankfully my parents are doing the most amazing job at looking after both my babies and I can’t wait to be with them again in two months. I think it’s just also been very tough for me to live without a pet for the first time in what feels like an eternity. It’s like a piece of myself, of my soul was left behind when I moved away from home. Actually, my flatmate Elena was meant to come with her feline friend Gatto, but getting him to London from Italy has proven more complicated than we thought. So getting our new furry child has been our number one mission ever since. So that might be another reason why I’m busying myself with the magazine and also basically burying myself in plants. It’s as if my brain and soul are looking for anything that is alive besides my flatmates for me to look after and give my love to. To be honest, you could probably do some psychological study on this, because, I’m not gonna lie, this is a bit weird. But hey, it’s what’s keeping me sane and happy these days, so there we go.


Additionally, looking back on my amazing summer – despite Corona and all that crap – has helped me a lot with staying positive. And part of that utterly beautiful summer was the trip to Venice with my mum, which is what I want to share with you guys today. Finally. I know, I’ve been talking about this for so long and never got around to showing you the pictures of our phenomenal trip, but I guess better late than never, right? So here they are, finally. My favorite shots from Venice.


To be honest, my mum and I both came to the conclusion pretty quickly that a trip to Venice could never possibly have been any better than ours. Although it was a risk to go to Italy in the middle of Corona, we knew that it would be worth it all and it truly was. I don’t think Venice will ever be this beautiful again. We all know what Venice looks like in the summer – now imagine that same city but just without the people. Because that’s what it was like. Empty. Not like Zombie Apocalypse empty, but empty for Venice standards. And gosh, the weather was just so amazing. And the food was even better. I remember not really loving the city the first time I went there, but that trip definitely made me fall head over heels in love with it. It is definitely a trip I will never ever forget. And one that rewarded me with memories and pictures filled with some much beauty that they will prolong into eternity. But, just see for yourself.



And yeah, now we’ve already reached the end of today’s post. As always, I hope you enjoyed the pictures and me babbling a bit about my life and my time in Venice. I truly hope you’re doing good in these rather stressful times and that maybe this post helped you get your mind off stuff for a short while. I’d really love to hear all your thoughts and opinions, so please don’t hesitate to leave any comments down below. And until then, I wish you all the best week and, of course, thanks for reading. x